Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Twenty Questions

What can I do with …?

Learn words with fun!

How to embolden the students to play with the language? This question occupies the mind of every teacher. Is it possible to memorize a lot of new words of any foreign language without boring work? Yes, everything becomes easier with word games. All ingenious is simple!  

I know 5

This game is very good for the expanding of the vocabulary. The first player says: Я знаю 5 сладких вещей (I know 5 sweet things). A second player must name something that fits this category: 
мёд - honey
сахар - sugar
шоколад - chocolate
конфеты - sweets
варенье -jam. 

Then the second player thinks of his 5 words Я знаю 5 зелёных / холодных / опасных ... вещей (I know 5 green/ cold/ dangerous… things or 5 female names/American lakes…). The essence of this game is not in guessing what did the second player think of. Your aim is to chose such topic that your competitor would stay without words. But if he can’t name these 5 words, be ready to read out your list. So be careful, to set only well-known themes!

Warning: Children can be especially cruel and invincible in this game. They use generation gap and ask about such things which a normal adult doesn’t know.