Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Learn words with fun!

How to embolden the students to play with the language? This question occupies the mind of every teacher. Is it possible to memorize a lot of new words of any foreign language without boring work? Yes, everything becomes easier with word games. All ingenious is simple!  

The enrichment of the vocabulary is a serious matter, but why not to try to play? So seldom in our life we can to combine business with pleasure, but it depends only on us and our wish. During the game everyone becomes more relaxed, forgets about the usual fears of making mistake.  The fantasy and emotion dressing can alive any boring grammar rule.

Fish out the verbs.

Studying any language you face the problem of learning a lot of new words. How to make this process more interesting and effective? How to understand which words would be really necessary in our speech and which ones could be easily ignored.
First of all we should pay attention to the verbs. If you forget a noun, it is possible to describe it in such words as "ну, это такая штука, которую мы используем для... (well, it’s a sort of thing that we use to...)" - and further description of the action can perfectly explain what thing is on our mind. In our native language we often use this method without noticing it.

There is a very useful exercise helping us to fish out the most used verbs. Everyone can practice it without a teacher.

Look around and describe (in Russian) with the help of the verbs all items that you see. For example, one can say:
кровать (a bed) - "это такая штука, на которой я сплю (it’s a thing in which I sleep)"
стол (a table) - "это такая штука, за которой мы едим (it’s a thing at which we eat)"
половник (a ladle) - "это такая штука, которой мы берем порцию супа из кастрюли (it’s a thing we use to take a portion of soup from a saucepan)"  and so on…

All the verbs you’d require are the most actively used ones, they are worth of remembering. If you feel lack of words just write down the missing verbs in your native language and look for them in dictionary.

Чайник (Kettle)- It's a thing, where we put water and boil it for making tea.
Ошейник (Collar) - It's a thing, which we put on dog's neck when we go for a walk.

Try to describe these items! 

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