Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What can I do with …?

Another exercise makes the same work but a bit different way. It’s possible to use it during the Skype lessons or even without teacher’s help, too. You keep on asking only one question: Что я могу сделать с ...? (What can I do with …?) To this question you will give 5 answers trying to avoid the repetition of the same verbs.
Let’s look how does it work. 

Что я могу сделать с коробкой? (What can I do with a box?)

1. Я могу открыть коробку. - I can open the box.
2. Я могу закрыть коробку. - I can close the box.
3. Я могу дать тебе коробку. - I can give you the box.
4. Я могу найти конфету в коробке. - I can find a sweet in the box.
5. Я могу поймать бабочку коробкой. - I can catch a butterfly with the box.

This game can be used for memorizing new words in contest. Just try to say 5 times, what can you do with a broom (метла)  (a lizard/ ящерица, a persimmon/хурма,  a punch/перфоратор) and be sure you would never forget this words. Besides, we find out the most used verbs. Another big plus!

You may prepare the list of the most widespread verbs with translating them in the native language of your students. Such way we kill two birds with one stone. The students don’t need to spend their precious time digging out the dictionaries. Who likes hard work? They start playing absolutely relaxed and even without noticing how many new words infiltrated into their mind.

Here are some verbs for the beginning:
брать - take
рисовать - draw
давать, дать - give
кормить, накормить - feed
открывать, открыть - open
резать, отрезать - cut
закрывать, закрыть - close
варить, сварить - boil
мыть, помыть - wash
жарить, пожарить - fry

clean, watch, eat, play (with), drink, sit (on), buy, jump (from), sell, keep (in), find, make (of), lose, throw, break, catch, dust, sew, pour, paint, fix, share, hide, bring, add, compare (with), type, prepare, install, pick, pull, rub, push, fasten, wear, carry, keep, dig, water, hammer (in)…

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